Accordion-Crazy, uploaded by zydepunks
This photo made me think of our own house — especially the pile of accordions in our living room. I think we have four accordions there right now, plus another in a closet, which yields an accordion-to-person ratio of 2.5 to 1 in our household. What about you — how many accordions do you have hanging around your house?
Only one….and it’s broken. :-(
by Jesse on March 10th, 2007
Funny to see my wood paneling on someone else’s web site :-)
by Christian on March 10th, 2007
I have five accordions at home in an 820 square foot house. One more in my classroom. Three people and a cat in this small dwelling. My cat runs for the door whenever I pick up a squeezebox, though she loves to curl up in a vacated accordion box. We also have two electronic keyboards and a full set of drums, including a base drum in the tiny bedroom closet. In the garage is a spinet piano along with a full set of drum practice pads. No instruments up on blocks in front of the house, so far.
by V. Ward on March 10th, 2007
well let’s see….I have two piano accordions, a full-sized 4 reed job and a smaller 3 reed box…..and my Corona II, and a little old 1 row Hohner pokerworks style box….and a 3-row alpine buttonbox….I think that’s it. I’m saving my busking money for a 3 row 3 reed Guerrini (red with an eagle on the grill and red bellows)…..
by mister anchovy on March 11th, 2007
Well, it depends on what you count. I have an old semi-moribund piano accordion in the attic, and 2 little Hero toy button accordions. Then there are 3 Baffetti three-row button boxes in mi, fa and sol. And a Beltrami EAD 5-switch three row box. So, that’s 7 if you count them all. I always say four.
I have encountered people who have 2 or 3 dozen. Maniacs!
by John Jennings on March 12th, 2007
Glad to hear I’m not the only one running a home for wayward accordions… :-)
by Chris on March 12th, 2007
I have three accordions left to me by my Uncle. I previously played piano and organ and am enjoying learning the accordion. One of the accordions seems pretty high quality, and has the name DARI across its front. It looks like the front grill of a 1949 Pontiac – all black and silver. I found reference to Dario Dari on this site. Does anyone know a good resource for looking up information about a specific instrument?
by Ken on May 3rd, 2007
Ken, what kind of information are you looking for? I usually refer people to the list of accordion manufacturers over at Jeroen Nijhof’s Accordion Links site. If you don’t find anything there, I’d try asking around on either or the AccordionFreedomForum.
by Chris on May 6th, 2007
I have four accordions not counting the three I gave to each of our two sons and another to our daughter.
I have an Iorio accorgian which is to heavy for me to play that I would like to trade in for a lighter accordion. My wife and I religeously watch Polka Joe and Jimmy Sturr along with Lawrence Welk and what ever GOOD music might be on. When we watch these shows and hear a polka we like, I try to find the notes and lyrics to them to no avail. Is there or are there any books with all the good polkas in them?I have most of the latest music books with only the more popular polkas in them. THANX-Bob
by Bob Talaga on May 24th, 2007
Bob, I’ve seen a few Frankie Yankovic sheet music books, but that’s about it. I’ll let you know if I come across anything else.
by Chris on May 27th, 2007
Well…I have 6 presently…and according to my husband..that’s about 5 too many, but you have to understand, … he’s not a musician, and he doesn’t even do a good job of playing the radio, but he IS the “wind under my wings”, and without him I would not have the support for any of my musical endeavors! Getting a B-system chromatic here very soon to see if I can learn that system. Wish me luck..that’ll made 7 squeezers in the haus…of I can hear my husband now! EEEK!!
by Karen Yatuzis on June 17th, 2007
Ken : Dari Question ; 03/05/07. I don’t know if Ken knows but Dennis Henley also has a Dari. He took part in the NAO Southern Area this November 2007 in “entertainers”. Played “Spanish” selection + Sabre dance. What a player!!!! What a box!!!! He has no car and is resident in Worthing. He came by train and taxi and I’m sure he is over 75. He mostly stands and his recital is a good 20 mins + bellows shake. Must be strong as an ox. I asked Dennis about Dari and he bought it new for £300.00. in the 1960’s. He said Dari was an employee of Excelsior. Fell out with them because they skimped on quality (Dari’s opinion). Dari went on his own and produced some astounding boxes. Dennis is a wonderful person to talk to but, unfortunately, is not on the net. Greg
by Greg on November 27th, 2007
I Have 22 accordions
Guerrini Polka King
Titano Virtuoso Cassotto
Weltmeister Supita
Cooperfisa cassotto
Hohner Pirola IIIP
Hohner Morino Slavko Avsenik
Borsini Wienna 72
3 Hohner Verdi II
1 Hohner Verdi III
2 Hohner Tangi VI 140 bass, (white ang Blue)
Paolo Profesionale 1F
Paolo Profesionale 5 (5 choirs)
Weltmeister Stella 80
Weltmeister Serino 80
Weltmeister Stella 96
Hohner Verdi 5
Manfrini 60 bass
Manfrini 32 bass
Bayan “Tula”
Bayan “Girov”
by Barcarole on September 22nd, 2009
hi i need a accordion with a button box one i need it asap if you can call me at 586-806-4104. my email this
by armin on June 22nd, 2010
hi i am looking for a button box accordion for sale if you can call me at 586-873-5648
by osman on June 25th, 2010